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Installing 4DX with your organization

Installing 4DX with Klein ISD

Robert Bracken


My Innovation Plan ( is about making blended learning a reality across Klein ISD. I want to get a small pilot group together to go through these five steps. This quote will be my guide; “Executing isn’t simply executing on a goal it's executing while in the midst of a 100mph whirlwind.” (FranklinCovery 2017) These teachers and administrators have day jobs, and looking at the research blended learning is going to become a reality anyways so let’s do it right the first time. Since our school district is technology focused we’re becoming a one-to-one school district where every student and teacher has a digital device (iPad, Chromebook, etc.). We need to build urgency to utilize our current equipment to the best of our ability.


My strategy is to develop a pilot group to implement more blended learning in Klein ISD. My role as video production specialist in our Professional Learning Department allows me great access to teacher specialists. Following the blended learning model, I will teach blended learning. I will create a class with face-to-face instruction, allow my learners control over the time, place, path, and pace of learning. Also, I will connect my learners modalities along the learning path so what they’re doing online with the physical classroom


Currently our instructional teachers focus on their core subject (math, science, social studies) and focus on their learning ages (elementary, middle school, high school.) My role as the video professional involves helping my coworkers make meaningful and impactful extended lessons with video.

Right now I’m also producing video lessons for three “Guiding Coalitions.” Each coalition is lead by 30 staff members of Klein ISD. They’re focusing on English Language Learners, Special Education Students, and Gifted and Talented Students. Through these coalitions they’re each focusing on their core objective. Some ELL Coalition members may have SpEd students, but they will still focus on ELL goals and objectives. They hope to have their agendas and goals wrapped up by May so it can be implemented throughout the district by next fall. There is a clear WIG, a clear deadline, and they will hold each other accountable to implement their WIGs. This inhouse model can be used with my Innovation Plan of blended learning.


Stage 1: Getting Clear

The key action will be to create a pilot group to get other teachers to embrace blended learning across Klein ISD by the end of 2018. I have identified a few teachers that can help us work together. These teachers are early adopters and already use technology in their classroom. What they're missing out on is putting it all together.


Stage 2: Launch

The launch key action will include focusing on the success of blended learning and meeting monthly as a group to spearhead this initiative. We will begin after spring break on March 20. This group will mainly communicate through collaborative online websites like Google Classroom and Documents.


Stage 3: Adoption

In the adoption key action we’ll teach teachers and our specialist how to make their own blended learning curriculum through the regularly scheduled training dates. The teachers will be expected to hold each other accountable to achieve results from blended learning, not just fill up classroom time.


Stage 4: Optimization

Our optimization key action is of marketing that blended learning will make our good teachers great. Students need blended learning since so much “other” learning happens online anyways. Stuff like news, entertainment, messaging, etc. The optimization part also includes capturing and analyzing the data. Currently our students are doing tests, quizzes, homework, and more on laptops. It makes sense to chart that and use that information for planning. Then, the teacher can share that information with other early adopters so they can do targeted lesson plans and not make the same mistakes.


Stage 5: Habits

Our habits key action is to make sure our pilot group is actually working toward the blended learning goal and not shrink back into their school culture. Our teachers have their whirl-wind of their normal duties and listening to their bosses. Luckily for us they’re always looking for ways to make things easier. When they’re regularly using the blended learning model in their own lives things will become easier for them, they'll see student achievement, and they’ll develop good habits.


The influencer model is how you get your team to go along with the plan. The 4DX is how you implement it. They complement each other because both models work toward solving the WIG. What matters most is finding and solving the WIG. There are too many directionless classrooms and organizations that fill their day with the whirlwind and don’t think about creating something. Whoever created the company wasn’t intending to create the whirlwind. They were trying to solve a WIG. That’s one thing I’m going to keep in mind when it comes to my WIG is that it’ll eventually become a whirlwind.


The 4DX focuses on the Lead and Lag measures, the Influencer Model focuses on the motivation and ability of the personal, social, and structural members of the group. You first have to start with the Influencer Model to get the team on board and build a culture of winning. Then move on to the 4DX model and work on the culture of implementing.


Blended learning Strategy for WIG Plan and Executing (Adapted from M Humphries 2016)


This chart was adapted from Michael Humphries strategy for WIG plan and execution. (2016) Reading from left to right, we start with the WIG with our LAG measure as our scoreboard. The lead measures is what we’ll use to follow the action with scoreboards to check our progress. Our commitments is our feedback loop that helps impact the scoreboard.


My first discipline is to focus on the wildly important goal of creating a blended learning model for our four core subject areas by summer 2018. It’s important to focus on one goal at a time and create vital behaviors to focus on. If there are so many goals the team can’t accomplish them. I’m self selecting early adopter teachers who are already implementing blended learning. I’m observing and pulling together their best practices and comparing it to other blended learning programs.


The initial focus and area of measurement will stretch across elementary, middle school, and high school. We’re almost a one-to-one district. All our teachers have laptops 24/7. Our lag measure is our pilot program of exceptional teachers who already implement blended learning. Since I’m part of the professional learning team I’ve offered my skills to help.


My second discipline is to act on the lead measures. My second lead measure is to highlight teachers who are attempting blended learning in their class. I can do this working for the professional development department. I can producing a blended learning training session. This vital behavior can be shown on the district’s information exchange website. (


My third discipline is to keep a compelling scoreboard. My scoreboard is going to be a google classroom and documents that includes what the learner should know. Taking from many successful blended learning classes that are out right now, we'll duplicate it to fit our needs. Then the teachers will have the option to receive a certificate or badge after successfully completing the course. 


My fourth discipline is to create a cadence of accountability. Since the whirl-wind of teaching will overcome any innovation plan, it’s important to not let them abandon blended learning. I spoke to a high school science teacher who was trying to teach energy in the cell. I asked him why he didn’t let his students use their school issued laptop to learn the lesson and he gave some valid points. Sometimes the students get distracted compared to a sheet of paper. It takes up classroom time to get every student on the same webpage. There isn’t a built-in formative assessment like a word bank on a sheet of paper. Most blended learning web pages aren’t in step with Texas curriculum standards. I can help my pilot program teachers make videos and develop resources that can be placed in the teacher’s blackboard or google classroom that do align with Texas’ curriculum standards. Also, I can assist with their online measurements of academic progress.  


Ram Charan said “70% of strategic failures are due to poor execution of leaders.” This book addresses the common obstacles to implementation. They can be avoided with consistency, accountability, and focus enforced by the leader. If not the four principals of execution may be abandoned.


Bracken, R. (2017) Influencer Strategy. Retrieved 7 February 2017, from


Covey, S., McChesney, C., & Huling, J. (2012). The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving your wildly

important goals. New York, NY: Free Press.


FranklinCovery (2017) Executive Overview of The 4 Disciplines of Execution. [Video file] Retrieved 7 February 2017, From


Humphries, M. (2016) Youth Ministry Strategy for WIG Plan and Execution. Retrieved 24 February

2017, from


Klein ISD (2017) The Exchange, Teaching and Learning Center. Retrieved 24 February 2017, from


Prichard, S. (2012). Leading Through the 5 Stages of Change. Retrieved 7 February 2017, from


TEA (2017) Texas Curriculum Standards. Retrieved 24 February 2017, from

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