Learn From Leaders
From your review of the sites and case studies in Step 1 and from using the ideas gleaned from your literature review, develop an implementation outline for your innovation plan.
Outline of my Innovation Plan at Klein ISD - Blended Learning
Please visit my
Innovation Plan https://goo.gl/HD5GAr
Literature Review https://goo.gl/qk9TAc
Video Promo - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ksfBvlwCiDQ2pwbkwwSkVreFE
Goals: Create a peer-training program to use video in the classroom to enhance learning.
Step 1: Gather Ingredients
Zero Cost since Klein ISD has already bought and support many of the tools needed to be successful.
School PLC’s
Step 2: Planning
Present plan to implement a blended learning at their school
Use the Technology Specialist to show
Train the specialist on the software and tools
Schedule training time during normal specialist meetings
Make available the training in Google documents for easy access
Schedule time for practice making blended learning videos
Schedule time during the classroom period to practice making videos to enhance learning (assignments, event recap, homework, explainer videos.)
Step 3: One-on-One
Schedule time during the school day for one-on-one time with the technology specialist and the teacher about using blended learning.
Schedule time during our “Tech Saturday” events or summer training events to continue one-on-one training.
Step 4: Review for next year
During the summer training sessions, ask for feedback about what worked and what didn’t
Compile the plusses and minuses into a Google Form to share and for people to add to.
At the top of the Google Form, make sure it links to updated training