Self-differentiated leadership and bringing the organization change process together
After reading Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking when the Stakes are High by Kerry Patterson and his group. I’m going to need to take a more active role of being a leader. A leader is someone who influences a group of individuals to accomplish a common goal (Bardwell, 2010).
The key factors for me to become a self-differentiated leader are to reject a negative emotional climate, be vulnerable, show persistence, increase stamina, and develop good leader perception. This will be a challenge because my current job involves taking orders not giving it. However, my ideas are based on successful models and I know this can be done. Also I am encouraged by a warm and receptive work environment where we support each other.
My plan involves forming a group to highlight blended learning and champion its success. With my skills as a video producer for our professional learning team, I can help expand the right techniques to equip and train teachers to do blended learning. Being a self-differentiated leader means calming my anxiety and focusing on the big picture to accomplish my goals. Because people want to help! I just need to find the right people. I am selecting a number of exceptional teachers to guide me on my path. I just met two, Ms. Goedde and Ms. Baker at Doerre Intermediate. They have embraced and championed blended learning for their classrooms while maintaining the current whirlwind of “must dos.” Ms. Goedde is a recent teacher of the year for her school.
My scoreboard going forward is to identify a small blended learning pilot group that is passionate about the success of the program. Following the cohort model of success I can bring in a number of teachers where we can share ideas. I’ll lean on this group for support as I go through my program at Lamar and gain insights into the classroom. And they’ll be able to lean on me to keep producing high quality blended learning programs. This group will be made up of administrators, campus professionals, teachers, and the students. This group will grow in my rolodex and it’s my plan to bring them together.
One thing that will help me is that not every leader has to have intelligence or self-confidence. Friedman goes against this type of limited thinking, saying that studies suggest that effective leadership is about regulating self anxiety. Knowing where one ends and where another begins.
As Professor Harapnuik says, “a leader's response to resistance will diffuse anxiety.” This will also allow the organization to get changes done in a healthy way. This lesson is to highlight the inevitable resistance to change that will occur when launching innovative digital learning initiatives.
This is the purpose of my master’s program--Digital Learning and Leading. I need to step up and not be afraid to become a leader. Following Dreambox learning, I am coming closer to realizing my dream of advancing a blended learning curriculum. Through many different sources we can bring in the best practices to implement blended learning. Several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of blended learning on student achievement..
The clearly defined why in my innovation plan is “Don’t Let Klein Be Left Behind. Choose Blended Learning.” This model says we need to work backwards from the goal and then utilize what technology we have. Each student is gifted a laptop at Klein ISD. Unfortunately, the laptops are underpowered so the students and teachers should not expect world class performance on these devices.
I found an obstacle for implementing blended learning that I feel can be fixed if we can acknowledge the problem. When I went into a classroom that taught video production, I observed slow and dated computers attempting to run the latest software. As one can imagine, it took a couple of minutes for the software to load, and it was slow to respond. There are more efficient video editing programs that could be used which would increase productivity. The school tried to do the right thing by purchasing the latest software, but the school failed to take into account the dated hardware. This will be something I will hold on to going forward so my innovation plan does not falter. Just because I want to implement blended learning, I need to think of what we have available and not focus on what we do not have.
One thing I can be thankful for is our new superintendent is happy for our success when it comes to blended learning from Khan Academy. ( Our school district was ranked 4th in the nation when it comes to linking to Khan Academy post College Board suite of assessments. These assessments create personalized learning for the students through the Khan Academy, but the assessments can be carried over into other online software suites. The fact that our superintendent thinks this is important shows his seriousness when it comes to personalized learning to make our students future ready.
Melissa Holloway is another great person to help get a blended learning program going. She is in charge of digital learning for the district, and she has opened a few pilot classes for Klein students to use blended learning. As I go forward, I want to connect with these teachers to explore how Klein ISD is already implementing blended learning. This is a huge opportunity for me to connect what I am learning about blended learning and implementing it at Klein ISD.
Another champion for blended learning is Mark Evans. He manages our distance and online learning. Students usually complete their coursework on campus as a virtual learning opportunity to allow the students to catch up with their classmates or finish their courses early. Then the rest of the day they are in regular classes in different subject areas. Through this program, the tools provided by the school district enable students to make progress they were not able to achieve in a regular classroom environment. A classroom is at a certain pace, but blended learning allows the student to go at his or her own pace, master concepts, chart progress, and outperform peers who are in the next room. This is another example of blended learning success inside the classroom.
The Why Statement for my blended learning innovation plan is “Don’t let Klein Be Left Behind. Choose Blended Learning.” Through this catchy slogan we can increase student achievement. Blended learning is already happening, but it is happening in places where we cannot capture results. We already have computers in the classroom, station rotation models, online assessment testing, but we have not dedicated enough resources and training to utilize blended learning across our district. That is where my pilot program can help, by looking at best practices and tying them together with our curriculum.
My 4DX plan is to focus on what is working. I need to highlight the benefits of Blended Learning from using the station rotation model, strengthening small groups, building capacity for teacher communication, utilizing testing data, and setting clear goals that the students will see immediately. The students will get results from this blended learning environment that will allow them to pass important state tests today and future tests as they move forward into adulthood. Klein ISD can easily implement blended learning by providing training to teachers who have the motivation and ability. Following the Influencer model I have identified these areas that will help my plan be successful.
(VitalSmarts 2008)
JD Meier broke down the Influencer model into “Me, my team, my environment.” Teachers need to influence their personal goals into a instant risk-reward structure to make blended learning successful. They need to see immediate results. The school needs to encourage that behavior through social means. Then the environment of the area needs to reward these kinds of teachers. (Meier, 2009)
Going forward there are many outstanding professionals who are working to make blended learning a reality. We have not captured their progress or set goals where we should go next. That will be part of my plan. I will lean on them to make my innovation plan a reality or as close to it as I can get. The district keeps investing in technology, high-speed internet, professional development, and student achievement. All of these will provide an excellent foundation for my plan so I can make it the district’s plan. Our school board just approved Klein ISD to become a “District of Innovation.” This will allow us to have flexibility when it comes to following our state mandates. I am excited to find a project to be passionate about. I think my skills and enthusiasm will make blended learning a great fit for Klein ISD.
Bardwell, M. (2017). Friedman's theory of differentiated leadership made simple. Retrieved 15 February 2017, [Video file]
Klein Independent School District. (2017). Distance & online learning. Retrieved 14 February 2017, from
Hudson, T. (2013). How to implement a station rotation blended learning model DreamBox Learning. Retrieved 15 February 2017,
Meier, JD (2009). The six sources of influence model: A powerful model for change. Retrieved 15 February 2017,
VitalSmarts. (2008) Crucial conversations and influencer. Retrieved 17 February 2017